Indoor Event - LLE Onsite Safety Audit Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 12Event Name:Site Address: Date of Event:Production Company: Onsite Contact:Venue Contact: Safety BriefingOnsite Safety Briefing given to LLE Senior ProducerNextFirst Aid First aid facilities are adequate for the type of event being held.First Aid provision on duty for duration of staff working onsiteFirst aid stations are suitably located, clearly signed and easily accessible for everyone.Good means of communication (e.g. radios / mobile telephone) provided between event personnel and first aid stations.Minimum of one FAAW on duty each day from LLE teamObservations / Comments:PreviousNextFire Safety Automatic fire detection system in place; specific alarm sound has been briefed to all staff.Suitable fire extinguishers (e.g. CO2, water, chemical) and blankets are in appropriate areas, tested and in date.Fire Point locations are signed and locations identified to all LLE staffFire Marshals are present in venue during working hours and have been identified to LLE senior ProducerWaste - bins are provided and all waste is collected daily /not allowed to build up in the event areas / outside of emergency exitsObservations / Comments:PreviousNextEmergency ProceduresESMP - Emergency response plan in place.Emergency Response – all staff briefed and understand procedures.Assembly Point signed and location briefed to all staff.Observations / Comments:PreviousNextWelfare Provision Adequate provision of toilets and hand washing facilities.Availability of clean fresh water for event staff whilst working onsite.Adequate crew catering facilities, including clean up and food preparation areas.Adequate Welfare Seating Area with protection from the elements (suitable shaded area / shelter in event of wet weather)Smoking area has been identified to all LLE staffObservations / Comments:PreviousNextAccess & EgressEntry and exit areas are clear and easily accessible for staffEntry and exit areas are free of obstructions and wide enough to allow for emergency exit and access for emergency services.Thoroughfares are well defined and clearly marked.Exit routes are clearly signed with working lit signageNo. of exit routes is adequate for total capacity of expected stafrf, contractors and guests.Any Exit routes that have been decommissioned and are not usable has been agreed by the venue and all staff have been briefed that they are not in useObservations / Comments:PreviousNextLoading/Off-Loading AreaClearly defined areas for vehicle loading/of-loading area which are separated from pedestrian areas.Provisions for safe passage of emergency and other vehicles through pedestrian traffic.All staff briefed to wear hi-viz and appropriate footwear when working in the area.Observations / Comments:PreviousNextWorking AreasAll areas that LLE staff are not authorised to access have been identified by Production Company/VenueAll LLE staff are aware of permanent/ temporary exclusion areas / hard hat areas etcGood means of communication (e.g. radios / mobile telephone) provided between Event Production / Contractors and LLE staff when work areas become restricted .All LLE staff aware of PPE requirements when working onsite.Staff (inc freelancers) are adequately inducted and trained about the event (site specific).Observations / Comments: PreviousNextElectrical Power is provided directly from the venue.All portable electrical equipment including leads are visually inspected before use / have been tested within 12 months.All leads, plugs, etc. are protected from weather and other environmental conditions (e.g. water)Where temporary power is provided (by generator), this has been installed by a trained and competent person and evidence of electrical safety can be provided upon request.Observations / Comments: PreviousNextLighting Adequate natural or artificial lighting provided for setting up, conducting and dismantling the event.Portable lighting is tested and in date.Suitable emergency lighting is available.Observations / Comments: PreviousNextVenue Maintenance / RepairsQualified and competent venue maintenance personnel available to undertake any repairs required.Maintenance personnel have a contact person (e.g. event co-ordinator) and means of communicating with them.Records of any maintenance undertaken kept for future reference.Observations / Comments: PreviousNextDetails of AuditorSignature Clear Signature Name *FirstLastDate / TimeDateTimeSubmit