Site Induction Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 28Welcome Thank you for being part of, and your on-going support, of the upcoming P18 event in Tate Modern We are committed to promote the highest possible levels of health, safety and wellbeing of all people working at or visiting the event. Working safely, personal safety, care of the environment and being mindful of safety issues whilst working will lead to the avoidance of reduction of risks to the Health & Safety of all persons who may be affected by their work activities. NextConfidential Information - Important The event itself is HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL and commercially sensitive, so we will ask you to read and complete an NDA as part of this induction process. With this, we ask for your full confidential co-operation throughout the build, live and dismantle. NO photos or videos are to be taken within the venue, and NO information is to be shared outside the venue. NextWorking Safely Site Safety is a team effort and it is not the responsibility of one person alone. You will be required to sign as having read and understood this briefing – if in doubt ASK. NextAbout This Induction This induction covers a number of key areas for consideration and your personal legal responsibilities whilst working with us. We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare, so far as reasonably practicable, of all persons (including Employees, contractors and visitors) at its workplaces and affected by its activities. All employees, contractors and invitees have a legal responsibility to co-operate with managers and to take reasonable care of themselves and others in order to assist us to maintain a healthy and safe workplace. NextSmoking & Vaping Smoking and/or vaping are ONLY permitted in designated areas.NextPersonal Music Devices When working on site please do NOT use personal headsets with music or phone connected – your attention will be elsewhere and you put yourself and others in danger. Keep your mind on your work – NO radios, personal stereos, mobile phones etc. If using a mobile phone, move away from the work area and remain static so you can see what is going on around you and you can be seen.NextDrugs & Alcohol We have have a ZERO tolerance of drugs and/or alcohol whilst working on site. Those deemed under the influence of such will be asked to leave the venue immediately. NextAccident Reporting & First Aid Accidents and Near Misses MUST be reported to the Production manager on shift. Please speak to your HOD or supervisor who will alert the Production Manager. The Site First Aid Kit is held at the site Safety Cases located on site. There are qualified First Aiders on site if required. Contact the Production Manager who will get assistance more quickly to you. For major accidents call 999 and the Production Manager as they will need to guide the ambulance onto the site.NextNearest Hopsital The Nearest Hospital is: Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Urgent Care Centre Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, United KingdomNextPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) The minimum following 3-point PPE is to brought to site, and worn at requested following times; - High Visibility Jacket (To be worn at all times during build and dismantle) - Safety Boots (To be worn at all times during build and dismantle) - Hard Hats (To be worn in the South Tank, Foyer & Level 6 when over-head works are taking place ). The Production Managers will declare when it is safe for PPE to not be worn - Please assume PPE must be worn unless otherwise instructed. Additional Task Specific PPE may be required as per your Risk Assessment. - Safety Gloves - Safety Glasses - Fall Arrest HarnessNextCommunication of Information Inductions This induction will provide the safety information required for the event Daily coordination Catch up meetings Daily meetings with HOD’s and Production managers will take place per department Pre-start briefings Your HOD will provide you with a full briefing alongside the Production Manager to ensure tasks are understood. Daily Tool Box Talks Daily all-team catch ups shall take place to make you aware of any updates or upcoming H&S concerns NextWorking at Height - Ladders Working at Height is a HIGH-RISK work activity – ensure that you are fully aware of the Risk Assessment before Working at Height Rigging or climbing hats MUST be worn when working at height – chin straps must be clipped All access equipment MUST be checked before use and fit for purpose – if in doubt, ASK Ladders should only be used for short term (15 – 30min) tasks. NextWorking at Height - Ladders Always check for defaults, all ladders in use should be properly maintained. Never stand above the top three rungs of the ladder or have a foot either side of the apex. Always face into the ladder, three points of contact and two feet on the ladder at all times. Only one person should work on a ladder at a time, a second person to foot the ladder for you. Place the ladder on a firm, stable surface which is of suitable strength to keep the rungs horizontal. NextWelfare There are dedicated staff toilets on site for your use Please use the handwash/sanitiser facilities installed We request that you use re-useable water bottles to avoid single use plastic – make sure you stay hydrated Crew welfare area is available for your use – please take care of it and keep it tidy NextHousekeeping Keep your work area tidy. Help prevent slips, trips & falls Keep exits and walkways clear of obstructions. NextStorage There is very limited storage space onsite. Contractor’s material’s, equipment and flight cases during the get-in and get-out phases of the of the build & de-rig will be provided within pre allocated areas as agreed with the production team. NextEmergency Procedures Discovering a Fire On discovering or suspecting an outbreak of fire activate the alarm system by pressing a call point Report the location and description of the incident to the Production Manager.NextEmergency Procedures Evacuation If the Fire Alarm sounds continuously; • The staff at the Tate Modern will lead you in the direction of escape. • Evacuate the building via the nearest safe exit (following the green signs.) • Make your way to the Assembly Point – Green Park Area, behind the Tate Modern on Park Street (Outside nearest fire escape in the tanks) • Make themselves known to the Production Manager and inform them if you have anyone missing, (this is at the Assembly Point). DO NOT: • Stop to collect personal belongings • Re-enter the building unless informed it is safe to do so by the Venue Manager. NextFire Safety Familiarise yourself with the exits around the venue and the Fire Fighting Equipment available. Keep fire exits & fire exit routes clear at all times. DO NOT block any site access points and keep roadways clear at all times. Do not attempt to fight the fire yourself, fire extinguishers should only be used to aid escape. NextFirst Aid Arrangements Production will ensure there is adequate First Aid cover. For any minor first aid assistance, please seek you HOD and the Production Manager who will further assist. Medical Emergency: Contact your HOD, Production Manager or any nearest Tate Modern Staff / Security immediately. NextSecurity Please be vigilant as regards security, not only for personal items such as tools, but also for equipment and client material, if you believe there is likely to be a breach of security please contact the Production Manager. Please ensure when entering or exiting the event site that once you have passed through you close any doors or gates behind you to prevent members of the general public either accessing site or building.NextSuspect Package - HOT Hidden - Has it been concealed or hidden from view? - Bombs are unlikely to be left in locations such as this where any unattended item will be noticed quickly. Obviously Suspicious - Does it have wires, circuit boards, batteries, tape or putty like subsance? - Do you think it poses an immediate threat to life? Typical - Is the item typical of what you'd expect to find in this location? - Most lost property is found in locations where people congregate. NextSustainability We are committed to ensuring we reduce or offset our carbon footprint by minimising the environmental impact of our events. Please be mindful of your sustainability actions when working on the event. Reuse, Reduce or Recycle - where possible NextDo... • Look out for each other • Report all near Misses and Accidents • Keep within pedestrian allocated areas • Wear task specific PPE • Gear up for the weather • Read the risk assessments • Ask Questions • Sign in and out each day NextDo Not... • Work if you feel unwell • Work if under the influence • Walk and Talk on your mobile • Smoke in working areas • Ignore a hazard • Ignore signage or instructions • Don’t drop litter. NextFinally... YOU are responsible for your works/working area, and in particular, ensuring that they do not harm others. If you are not happy with the actions of others, or how it affects your workspace, raise it with the Production Team. Do not commence work onsite until you have been fully briefed by the Production Manager. This ensures we keep you and others safe whilst on our site. If you have any queries regarding your safety, please ask the Production Manager.NextVenue Site RulesSITE BRIEFING DOCUMENT | TATE MODERN | 26th September – 1st October Site Emergency number: 2222 From mobile – 0207 401 5101 Evacuation The primary reason for an evacuation would be the result of a fire alarm activation which will be a loud siren sounding throughout the building. All alarm tests are announced with ‘a fire alarm test is about to commence’ and end with ‘the fire alarm test is now complete’ Any alarms that are not announced must therefore be treated as real, there are no false alarms. All activations must be responded to without the need for further instruction. Should this happen; Stop what you are doing Walk calmly towards the nearest exit from the building Do not attempt to wait for lifts Do not attempt to go back to locker rooms or try to collect items from inside the building Fire marshals will be wearing high visibility vests and can provide assistance. Assemble point is: outside the nearest final fire exit door (dependant on where you are). In the event of an evacuation Tate Security staff are trained to evacuate the building and their instructions must be followed by everyone. Actions if you discover a fire. Do not panic. Go to the nearest call point and activate the alarm by pushing the plastic cover, this is not glass and is not sharp. If you have the opportunity to do so call the site emergency number 2222 or if safe to do so wait for security to arrive and tell them where the fire is. Unless you have been trained DO NOT TACKLE a fire. Accidents and first aid All accidents and near misses no matter how small must be reported via the emergency number. If you need first aid treatment either for yourself or another person contact security control on the emergency number. Security You must report to the accreditation desk daily at The Staff Entrance unless instructed otherwise by a HOD Always wear your wrist bands If you are not part of a group or Tate led project do not go to back of house areas or through doors marked staff only unless accompanied by a staff member with a pass. Do not leave via fire exit doors. All doors are alarmed and covered by CCTV If you see or find anything suspicious call security control on the emergency number If you get lost or separated from your group then go to a uniformed member of staff for help. At the end of the day please hand in temporary passes and make sure that everyone who you came with is still there. If any one of your group is missing, please call security on the emergency number. Back of house etiquette Space behind the yellow floor tape can be used as storage, all other gangways should be kept clear at all times Do not block any fire exits at any point. Do not prop open any fire doors. Do not prop open lift doors – please work with the lift drivers and adhere to any instructions on lift usage to avoid any disruptions. Please keep all working areas clean and tidy. Front of house etiquette Tate Modern is a public gallery, open from 10am – 6pm. When moving around the gallery, you must be mindful of the public. All works to happen within the clients hired spaces during agreed hire times. If you are unsure of where these spaces are or what time access is permitted, please request this information from your line manager. Please do note move flight cases, large items or anything that might disrupt public access during the gallery open hours. PPE PPE to be worn in build spaces. High vis to be worn in loading bays at all times. Security – wrist bands must be worn at all times RAMS By signing this form you confirm that you have produced or read and understood the RAMS that are associated to the work you will be completing. You are also confirming that you have been appropriately trained to complete your work. I have been told of the emergency procedures and understand them and know how to obtain emergency assistance. I will cascade all information to my team members NextI can confirm that I have received, read and understood the induction information: *Sprout Site InductionTate Modern Site RulesSignature * Clear Signature Name *FirstLastCompany or Organisation *Date / Time *DateTimeSubmit